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Monday, January 14, 2019

Box of Moxie: Hatteras Surf Buzz

Hatteras Surf Buzz is the fourth single since November from Virginia based Box of Moxie. Once again the group underwhelms by releasing their fourth lackluster track as a single. We have to wonder if they even know what a single is, or if their raison d'etre is just to make lame forgettable music? In truth this track is better than the previous three, the music is nice and actually seems to work with the vocals, which at best are an acquired taste. However, the song itself is terrible. It's poorly written, lacking any vestiges of songcraft or interesting lyrical content. At this point all we can hope for is that a bolt of lightning strikes them and they emerge with newfound savant abilities. Stream and buy Hatteras Surf Buzz at the link below.