This is it, the best of the best for 2017, with our Top 10 of the Floorshime Zipper Boots Top 20 Artists of 2017. Your pageviews decided that these artists were the hottest things going on the blog this year and reflects the incredible talent and creativity gracing the ears.
#10 Black Fjords
#9 The Pinkerton Raid
#8 Ocean Forest
#7 Olive & The Pitz
#6 The Bordellos
#5 The Masonics
#4 The Variety Hour
#3 Ben Anderson
#2 Slow Decay
#1 Wes John Cichosz
Reviews, videos and more on emerging bands & music from around the world to enlighten past the lamestream masses. Published by Russian Winter Records, Kansas City based Indie Record Label, PR Firm & BMI Affiliated Music Publisher.
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Friday, December 29, 2017
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Floorshime Zipper Boots Top 20 Artists of 2017 #20 - #11
Today we start the Floorshime Zipper Boots Top 20 Artists of 2017. As always our annual list of the top artists on the blog are determined by our readers pageviews. Today we have numbers 20 - 11 and then tomorrow we'll feature the top 10. So, without further ado we present the FZB Top 20 Artists of 2017.
#20 Rachel Mason
#19 Electric Floor
#18 Circus worLD
#17 The Cavemen
#16 Lotte Kestner
#15 Tsinder Ash
#14 Kristina Cottone
#13 Scotch Hollow
#12 Orations
#11 Phil Reynolds and the Uncertain Futures
#20 Rachel Mason
#19 Electric Floor
#18 Circus worLD
#17 The Cavemen
#16 Lotte Kestner
#15 Tsinder Ash
#14 Kristina Cottone
#13 Scotch Hollow
#12 Orations
#11 Phil Reynolds and the Uncertain Futures
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Floorshime Zipper Boots Top 10 Videos of 2017.
Welcome to the start of our year end best of lists with the Floorshime Zipper Boots Top 10 Videos of 2017. We posted some great, imaginative and well directed videos this year and these top 10 show off the visual creativity of our featured artists. As always our best of lists are based on our readers page views.
#10 Human Colonies: Sirio
#9 Someday: Last Lesson
#8 Younolovebunny: Only Love
#7 A Tree Grows: Future Calculations
#6 American Anymen: Nobody Makes Me Smile Like You Did
#5 Divisionists: Say Can You
#4 James Kruman: Country Sigh
#3 Rachel Mason: Heart Explodes
#2 Electric Floor: Bluedive
#1 Orations: Oh, The Horror
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Bowrain: Distracted

Distracted is the sophomore album by artist/producer Bowrain, on Kapa Records. The seven tracks are a journey through the varied palette of Bowrain's keyboard chops. Lyrical piano passages are framed by expertly arranged instrumentation that works as both a complex, progressive instrumental record, and an accessible and enjoyable pop music album. Each piece is masterfully crafted and executed, with crisp production and fine attention to detail. This album is a must have. Stream and buy Distracted at the link below.
Monday, December 25, 2017
DF: abcdf

abcdf is the latest from Montreal duo DF. The five tracks take the sax where no sax has gone before. With loops and harmonies, this EP serves up the saxaphone as somewhere between a melodic exercise and an avant garde jazz piece. Unfortunately, what we hear sounds unfinished, needing either more instrumentation or more complexity to the music, to make this EP work. The whole thing seems to lack direction. See what you think. Stream and download abcdf at the link below.
Friday, December 22, 2017
Cup: Hiccup

Hiccup is the new album from Brooklyn punk Cup, aka Tim Wojcik. The twelve tracks are raw in your face garage punk, in the vein of Jay Reatard and Thee Oh Sees. This means brash, edgy, noisy, fuzzing and loud, everything good and right in the world. So, go out, get good and drunk, come home at 3:00 in the morning, put this album on at full blast and indoctrinate the neighbors. You know you want to. Watch the video for album track Yr Freaking Out, then stream and buy Hiccup at the link below.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Max Kutner: Disaffection Finds Its Pure Form

Our friends at Silber Records, the North Carolina based purveyors of everything drone, ambient and experimental, deliver Disaffection Finds Its Pure Form, the new album from Max Kutner. The 10 tracks represent sections of a unified piece that explores the depth of guitar drone. If one could image Brian Eno and Robert Fripp producing a guitar playing offspring, this is likely what the resulting music would sound like. Kutner takes his unique vision of guitar drone, finds the edge and then stays there with devastatingly profound consequences. With haunting sounds, sharp attack and melodic overtones, this could well be the best guitar drone music yet recorded. An absolute must have. Stream and buy Disaffection Finds Its Pure Form at the link below.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Digster Wednesday Playlists
Welcome to another weekly installment of the Digster Wednesday Playlists. This week we feature the Digster Artists Playlists. This is where you'll find all the music from you favorite groups, singers and musicians. Check out Lana Del Ray Complete for all that is sultry from this mercurial artist. Delve into the deep emotion of the Lorde Discography for 34 tracks by this edgy singer. Feeling stylish, The Weekend Essential Playlist is just the thing, with four hours of groove from this uniquely talented artist. Or get your folkrock zen on with the Lumineers Complete Playlist. You'll find these and many more with the Digster Artists Playlists at the link below.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Ben Anderson: YouTopia

Phoenix based singer/songwriter Ben Anderson has released YouTopia, his new concept EP about a dystopian inner self that manifests conflict in the world. The 4 tracks are dark and stylish, with a varied palette of musical influences. The concept theme connects the finely crafted songs to a compelling storyboard and interesting look at the world. Complete with a video trilogy, this EP is a must have. Watch the first two videos, then stream and buy YouTopia at ther link below.
Monday, December 18, 2017
The Heroic Enthusiasts: The Heroic Enthusiasts

Following on the sound built with two well received EP releases, Rochester, New York based FZB favorites The Heroic Enthusiasts have release their debut S/T full length. The ten tracks are inspired indie rock that will establish the band as a distinct force capable of moving the genre forward. With influences ranging from The Smiths to New Order, the band have crafted an original sound that has both edge and polish, propelled by compelling songwriting and solid musicianship. This is a masterful album and an absolute must have. Stream and buy The Heroic Enthusiasts at the link below.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Pia Fraus: Field Ceremony

Estonian dreampop masters Pia Fraus are back with Field Ceremony, their first new album in over a decade. The ten tracks are engaging and intimate, with atmospheric vocals, ample helpings of noise, swirling instruments and enough reverb to drown a cave. With a dark patina, the album draws the listener into a world of deep sonic lushness, with a nice shoegaze aesthetic. A strong album that will keep one returning for more. Stream and buy Field Ceremony at the link below.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Opollo: The Solarnaut

The Solarnaut is a live performance piece from Polish experimental band Opollo. The track, running over 16 minutes in length, is a long form ambient excursion into a noise laden soundscape of implied melodic structure. In this piece, texture replaces phrasing, indeterminacy replaces melody and recognizable tones become a pastiche for orchestration. Dense, complex and dark, the work comes alive in headphones, where the sonic experience is immersive and draws a detached mindfulness out of the listener. Stream and buy The Solarnaut at the link below.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Digster Wednesday Playlists
Today on the Digster Wednesday Playlists, we feature their uDiscover selections. Here you will find fantastic playlists where you can explore a wealth of styles and themes. There's the Guitar Legends playlist, over four hours of music from all the greatest players across genres. Or give Blues Gold a listen for everything blues from the bayou to Chicago. The Greatest Jazz Pianists or Greatest Sax Tracks showcase the best players these instruments have know. Check out these and the many more uDiscover Playlists at the link below.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Small Life Form: First Recordings

Our friends at North Carolina's Silber Records bring us First Recordings, the debut album from Small Life Forms. The eighteen tracks, ranging in length from 15 seconds to 3.5 minutes, are explorations in minimalist sound experiments. Inhabiting the space between ambient drones and progressive electronica, the album delivers a diverse palette of sounds, melodies and noise. The album is adventurous and complex, while retaining essential simplicity in each individual piece. Stream and buy First Recordings at the link below.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Vast Asteroid: Vast Asteroid

Los Angeles based indie rock band Vast Asteroid have released their S/T debut album. The band is somewhat of a supergroup, comprised of former Warlocks bassist Mimi Star, Slaughter And The Dogs drummer Mark Reback, along with singer/guitarist James Poulos and a guest appearance by Dave Catching from Eagles of Death Metal. The eight tracks are compelling rock anthems, with superlative musicianship, loads of reverb, towering vocals and at times a Beatlesque vibe. This is a masterful record and an absolute must have. Stream and buy Vast Asteroid at the link below.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Lapis Exilis: Hexagram

Hexagram is the debut album from occult inspired band Lapis Exilis. Musically, the seven tracks are more in the vein of King Crimson than holding any affinity to modern darkwave. Driving bass lines, hard drums and heavy guitars blend with towering melodic vocals to give the album a bit of a metal feel, but this seems more anachronism than intent. The album as a whole is enjoyable, but lacks any commercial center to hold on to. This will see it appealing to a more metal audience and probably not resonating with indie or alt rock communities. Give it a listen at the link below.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
The Floorshime Zipper Boots Best of Lists 2017
Top 10 Videos of 2017: December 27, 2017
Top 20 Artists of 2017 #20 - #11: December 28, 2017
Top 20 Artists of 2017 #10 - #1: December 29, 2017
Equinox: It's Hard To Be Happy When Your Head Is Full Of Sin

It's Hard To Be Happy When Your Head Is Full Of Sin is the imaginatively titled debut album from UK experimental auteur Equinox. The fourteen tracks present a literary take on avant-garde pop. Just the term avant-garde pop is an enigma that foreshadows the album as it unfolds. With poetic muse, the tracks play out as a series of cerebral experiences, longing for resolution, yet yearning for the next stanzas. An album that defies expectation and eschews conventionality, Equinox leads where few have tread, into the defining of a totally original art form. Watch the video for album track Kiss, then stream and buy It's Hard To Be Happy When Your Head Is Full Of Sin at the link below.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
I Will Always Be Here & Never Wanted You on NBTMusicRadio Top 300 Singles of 2017
Digster Wednesday Playlists
Welcome to this week's Digster Wednesday Playlists feauring their Travel Playlists. Take to the asphalt with Road Trip Sing Along Songs for 3 hours of music to get the whole car hopping, or there's the Relaxed Driving, 118 songs to stay mellow with while the miles roll on. Try the Road Trip playlist, with 6 hours of the best indie traveling music, or listen to the Pokemon Master Go Team Mystic and just weird out for the whole trip. Check out all of the Digster Travel Playlists at the link below.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017
UV Rays: Picking at the Bones

Picking at the Bones is the new EP from Brooklyn band UV Rays. The FZB favorites serve up 5 tracks of imaginative post-punk, with tons of edge and originality. Utilizing tantilizing time signatures, unexpected phrasing and the blending of heavy and melodic passages, the band shows innovation at its highest level. This is an absolutely great record, full of the unexpected and strong from ear to shining ear. Stream and buy this definite must have at the link below.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Lucille Furs: Lucille Furs

Chicago psychedelic band Lucille Furs have released their S/T debut album. The twelve tracks are theatrical pieces, with a myriad of sonic textures and world influences. The obvious comparison to Foxygen is unavoidable as the phrasing and stylistic nuance is unrelentingly present. However, this in no way denigrates this thoroughly enjoyable album. The songs are captivatingly complex structures of simplicity, with each owning a unique personality. Stream and buy Lucille Furs at the link below.
Friday, December 1, 2017
Spinifex M: Revision 4

Revision 4 is the debut album from Alabama based artist/producer Spinifex M, aka Brad Davis. The seven tracks are minimalist excursions into noise based ambient sonic structures. The album occupies a space where frequency manipulation and dissonant expression manifest as a tonal poem of atmospheric textures, rather than a definable musical structure. Stark, challenging and at times irritating, the work shows an artist will to push the limits of sound induced emotion. Stream and buy Revision 4 at the link below.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Partner: In Search Of Lost Time

In Search Of Lost Time is the debut album from Ontario duo Partner, aka Josee Caron and Lucy Niles. Rarely does a debut album herald the coming of a major talent, but that is exactly the case for Partner. The twelve tracks are radio ready indie/alt rock in the vein of Weezer, with heavy, catchy pop songs that rock your arses off. Every aspect of this album is perfect, vocals, performance and the unpretentious songs. This maybe the most important unknown band's album you'll have the chance to get before they become huge. Do it. Stream and buy In Search Of Lost Time at the link below.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Digster Wednesday Playlists
This week's edition of the Digster Wednesday Playlists feature all the best from the worl of rap, with the Digster Hip Hop Playlists. Choose Rap Royalty for 94 tracks that will make the ultimate mix tape from the greatest names in rhyme. There's Hip Hop Classics, with eight hours of classic urban rap and hip hop from the east and west coasts. Tune in Artists To Watch to get yourself onto the pulse of new artists, or listen to Def Jam Classics to get retro with swagger. Find all of the Digster Hip Hop Playlists at the link below.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Llarks: Reflections

Reflections is the third album from Llarks, the ambient/noise project of artist/producer Christopher Llarks. The eight tracks see guitar, loops, noise, piano and trumpet, all of which is subtly changed to take on an orchestral persona and an atmospheric presence. Sparse, deep and ethereal, the music is experienced in a visceral way, engulfing rather than consciously engaging. Shades vary from bright to dark, transporting mood and musical demeanor through s sensual glade of sonic grass. A definite must have. Stream and buy Reflections at the link below.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Bearsuit Records: The Invisible & Divided Sea

Scottish indie label, Bearsuit Records, delivers a fabulous new compilation album, The Invisible & Divided Sea. The seventeen tracks (plus an additional 3 bonus tracks exclusive to the Bandcamp download) are a stunning look into the wealth of talent to be found on this label. Ranging from deep ethereal moods to glitchy electronica, to guitar driven psychedelia and wistful synthpop, this is an album that will appeal to everyone. It is also a great way to get your hands on a lot of music from the label. This album is an absolute must have. Stream and buy The Invisible & Divided Sea at the link below.
Friday, November 24, 2017
The Veldt: Thanks to the Moth and Areanna Rose

Thanks to the Moth and Areanna Rose is the new EP from shoegaze pioneers, The Veldt. Over a quarter of a century career, the Veldt have paved the highway of shoegaze, creating a legacy that has stood the test of time. Pitchfork named their 1994 album, Afrodisiac, the 43rd best shoegaze album of all time. On their latest EP, which see's five new tracks and two remixes, the band continue to innovate and to explore the boundaries of the genre they helped to create. The EP would be compelling from a new group, but coming two decades into the band's life, it shows that the edge is still sharp and the talent still focused. This is a definite must have. Stream and buy Thanks to the Moth and Areanna Rose at the link below.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Ric Gordon: To Hear You Say Video
We're off today for Thanksgiving in the U.S., but will be back with reviews tomorrow. To hold you over, here's a new video for the track, To Hear You Say, from Ric Gordon's recent Standing Here EP, and a video for the track When I Learned To Crawl, from the album Oceans, the latest from FZB favorites Principe Valiente.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Digster Wednesday Playlists
Kon'nichiwa irasshai to this week's Digster Wednesday Playlists. Today we present playlists from where the music is always weird and unique, Japan. You can choose from Karaoke Hits, almost four hours of music from the land where Karaoke is an art form, or Today's Hottest Tracks, featuring 102 songs tearing up the Japanese charts. Explore Naturarhythm, 55 tracks to get your Zen on, or try 80's Rock to hear what retro is like in the land of the rising sun. Check out all of the Digster Japan Playlists at the link below.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Bee Bee Sea: Sonic Boomerang

Sonic Boomerang is the new album from Italian psych punks Bee Bee Sea, on Dirty Water Records. The eight tracks have heavy twang, a lofi sheen and an edgy panache. The album is chock full of great guitar riffs, showcasing musicianship beyond the norm for the genre, with tight in the pocket drums and solid bass. The trio has a sound reminiscent of Thee Oh Sees and similar bands, but have their own take on the music and shun any derivatives. This is a hot release that will steam up the windows and singe the hair. A definite must have. Stream and buy Sonic Boomerang at the link below.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Ric Gordon: When We Kiss Video
Artist/producer Ric Gordon has released a new video for the track When We Kiss, from his latest EP Standing Here. Use the blog search bar for the review from September and link for the EP and watch the new video below.
Taylor Mac: Never Wanted You

Never Wanted You is the debut single from Kansas City based singer, Taylor Mac. The 23 year old vocalist delivers a stunning track featuring a voice that is totally compelling, with its smooth texture, strong dynamic range and silky vibrato. The sparse track of mainly acoustic guitar and vocals, with a tight rhythm section and some electric guitar flourishes, is the perfect vehicle for showing off this immensely talented vocalist. We can't wait to here more. Stream and buy Never Wanted You at the link below.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Slow Decay: Ghosts EP

Ghosts is the debut EP from Isle of Man band Slow Decay, on Small Bear Records. Produced by Small Bear's honcho Phil Reynolds, the three tracks are post-punk with a Gothic tinge, that drive their way straight to the heart. Propelled by the gigantic vocals of Sabina Jarzabek and a band that is tight and heavy, the EP is a captivating experience of rock anthems that serve up a totally compelling listening experience. This EP is a definite must have and we can't wait to here more. Stream and download Ghosts at the link below.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Tunnelvisions: Midnight Voyage

Midnight Voyage is the debut album from dance music emissaries Tunnelvisions, on Netherlands based indie label Atomnation. The duo of Raynor de Groot and Emiel van den Dungen, serve up nine tracks of superlative dance music that spans the world for thematic influences, while delivering a groove that is captivating. The music has a smooth flow that is totally engaging and speaks to the artists' core philosophy of putting fun back into dance music. What you get is our favorite dance record in a long time and an absolute must have. Stream and buy Midnight Voyage at the link below.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Digster Wednesday Playlists
Happy Wednesday and welcome to this week's Digster Playlists. Today we feature Digster's Jazz Playlists. Here you can listen to playlists such as The New Groove, where you'll find the intersection between jazz, hip-hop and R&B. You can explore the Foundations of Jazz with playlists from classic labels such as Verve and Blue Note. or make your workday float by with Jazz Cafe, over seven hour of the best chill jazz tracks. Check out these and the many other Digster Jazz Playlists at the link below.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Phantom Phunk: Turtle Stand

Turtle Stand is the sophomore album from Florida band Phantom Phunk. The eleven tracks are energetic indie rock; think Foxygen on steroids or the Flaming Lips when they remember they're a rock band. With a range of dynamics and feel, the album is twangy, fuzzy and a little lo-fi. As the band references above would imply, the album is a bit quirky and not formula music, but rather an interesting blend of original rock with influences from earlier eras. A strong album from start to finish and a must have. Stream and buy Turtle Stand at the link below.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Lone Kodiak: Feet In The Water

Feet In The Water is the debut EP from L.A. band Lone Kodiak. The five tracks are polished, radio ready indie rock, with their own take on the genre. With songs of emotional depth, strong vocals, and arrangements that will call out to a large audience, it is only a matter of time before we hear this band on Sirius XMU and indie radio across the country, as well as crossing over to alternative radio. This is a debut EP that demands attention and is a definite must have. Stream and buy Feet In The Water at the link below.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Kurt von Stetten: Cycle

FZB favorite Kurt von Stetten is back with the huge double album, Cycle, on Static Motor Recordings. The Boston based artist has released 12 albums in 12 years, no mean feat and to come with this collection of 23 tracks is truly impressive. What you get is delicious indie rock. Plenty of catchy tunes and hooks, engaging riffs and some 12 string twang for a little depth. This album delivers both quantity and quality, and is a definite must have. Watch the video for album track, Calculator, then stream and buy Cycle at the link below.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Murder Murder: Wicked Lines & Veins

Riding the rails out of Sudburry, Ontario, we have, Wicked Lines & Veins, the new album from roots auteurs Murder Murder. The eleven tracks are a virtuosic take on Americana music. This is no mere rehash of traditional folk themes, rather the album is a masterwork of bluegrass, country and Appalachian musings, performed so expertly as to raise them to the level of a true classical art form. Superlative songwriting, enough musical chops to knock the Earth of its axis and such creative musical changes that others will be compelled to leave their banjo in its case. One of the best albums in this genre we have ever heard. Stream and buy Wicked Lines & Veins at the link below.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Digster Wednesday Playlists
Today's edition of the Digster Wednesday Playlists brings you all that's cool in the UK. You can listen to the Acoustic Room, with 70 songs featuring the best in acoustic hits, covers, unplugged versions and live recordings, or tune into This Is House, for for over 3 hours of electronic goodness from the land where House Music was born. There is also the Pop Perfection playlist from a country where pop music is legendary and turns out more new artists per capita then anywhere else. Enjoy all the Digster UK playlists at the link below.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Safe Hex: Sidereal Time

Sidereal Time is the debut EP from New York band Safe Hex. Rarely does a release reach out and grab you by the arse right from the first note, but that is exactly what you get with this EP. The four tracks are a stunning take on 80s style new wave, with dark guitars, atmospheric vocals, prominant base line and in the pocket drums. The whole thing is a swirling expanse of sound that transports the listener into a dark inner space of ethereal rock goodness. Stream and download Sidereal Time for free at the link below.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Vukovar: Puritan

FZB favorites, Vukovar, are back with a new album, Puritan. The UK band serve up eleven songs of dark, edgy post-punk. With their usual lyrical depth and imaginative arrangements, the band has a sound that is reminiscent of Joy Division, bet yet totally original. Vukovar never fail to impress, with their out of the box musical concepts and a polished rawness that is at all times compelling. This album is a definite must have. Watch the video for album track, The Clockwork Dance, Then stream and buy Puritan at the link below.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Xavier Calvet: Firebird

Firebird is the superb new album,from Spanish singer/songwriter Xavier Calvet, who is also the leader of Spanish punk band, Bullitt. Released on indie label BCore Disc, the twelve tracks are some of the best folkrock, alt-country and Americana that we have heard. More authentic than a Nashville jam session and more satisfying than a weekend beer buzz, Calvet serves up some great songwriting, paired with an expertly executed and recorded album. This is an absolute must have. Stream and buy Firebird at the link below.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Postman: Home

Home is the tasty new album from Postman on Vienna indie label, Cut Surface Records. The twelve tracks are stylish indie pop that will draw similarities to The Postal Service and Cut Copy, There is no imitation here though as Postman are a band with their own sound and their own take on indie pop. Twangy guitars, minimalist synth lines and just enough beat to keep things moving, yields a record that is compelling and enjoyable. Stream and buy Home at the link below.
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